Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tubing down mountains and welcoming Signe Neu!

Jack & I took a trip to Boise last Thursday to visit my mom for her 61st birthday. This worked out great, as my co-worker and friend Melanie was heading that way to visit her grandkids, so we hitched a ride with her! We had much fun playing cribbage, walking the dogs and going to a movie, but the highlight was snow tubing at Bogus Basin, being together and anticipating the arrival of Nancy's new little one: Signe Marie Neu.

At the ski resort which is located at the top of the Boise Foothills, they have an exclusive area for snow tubing only. The tubing hill was a 800 ft. groomed mountain face that you slide down and then coast to a stop. A a rope pull system was located at the base of the mountain to pull you back to the top.

Everyone has to be in their own tube (even Jack!) but you can link together by holding on to the handles of the other tubes and go down together. At first, we linked together, and did some tricks, like spinning, then got sick and decided to each go down solo. Jack especially liked going down solo because he is "spiderman"(as evident by his mask). It was so cute to look back and see him coming down the mountain! Here are some photos and video of that day. I especially love the video, how at the end, Jack seems to be reaching for Grandma's hand, and of course how Grandma goes crashing into some other tubers!

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