Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jack is 4 Years Old!

Little Jack Emery Miller is growing up. He is now, officially after April 10th at 1:59 pm, a four year old.

He has anticipated this day for a long time. He is one of the youngest kids in his preschool class, and it has been bothering him that he is only three.

He had a great day, which started out with many birthday wishes from family and cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

We then traveled down to Ashton where we held his birthday party at the HFF office, so that all his friends could attend. Attend they did! Seventeen smiling little faces joined us for the celebration. Here are pictures of the big day. I just love Jack!

Being tickled



Birthday Table

A little grumpy...


More Presents

Birthday Cake

Big Hugs!

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